The Heritage PPG Turf Tech Tool filters millions of turf seed data points in seconds to find species that best meets individual and regional needs. High disease resistance. Drought resistance. Fine texture. Spring green-up. Select and rank the attributes that matter most to you. The Turf Tech Tool dashboard filters 20 million data points and nearly 1,500 turf seed varieties from the National Turfgrass Program’s (NTEP) independent database. Find turfgrass species with the attributes you need based on data – not guesswork.

Data-backed turf seed decisions in seconds.

Get the facts. Match seed to need.

Take the guesswork out of choosing turf seed.


Turf seed decisions you can trust.

Just the facts. The Turf Tech Tool’s patented algorithm searches all species, all years, all attributes and all state trials to find top performers for each attribute you select. A patented indexing algorithm identifies a “Top Performing Group” for each attribute. The tool assigns an overall Turf Performance Index (TPI) score for each variety based on individual attribute score averages. Filter TPI scores. View competitor products. Make decisions based on facts, not spin.

Elite turf seed performance.

Choose turf seed that meets individual and regional needs. Optimize turf performance with fewer turf inputs. Turf seed matched to need performs better with less water usage, pesticide usage and other turf inputs. Patented indexing capabilities also enable you to view top performers across multiple attributes, aiding blending for genetic diversity and helping turf tolerate environmental stressors better.

Reach out to your local branch to ask how you can try to Turf Tech Tool today!

Comprehensive database

  • University evaluations of most turf species with 1,000+ turf varieties
  • Comparisons based on 150 attributes
  • National, state and regional evaluations
  • Turf seed data for specific environmental and playing conditions

What’s the best variety for you?

  • Find the highest-scoring varieties for any species with any attribute in any location.
  • Compare seed tags for unique, custom seed blends specific to your operations.
  • Analyze varieties for multiple attributes to determine the best performing variety.

Why are turf grass varieties important?

Not all turf seed varieties are created equal. Some varieties are more susceptible to disease pathogens, insects, weed invasion and environmental pressures, such as wear and tear.

Top performing turf varieties must overcome environmental, agronomic and management factors. As part of the Heritage PPG Insights Tech Tool Kit, TurfTech and your sales rep can help you identify key indexing points to find the ideal turf variety for you. Connect with your sales representative for pricing and information.