Get the Most from Your Weed Killers with Breeze XL

September 25, 2024

How come some herbicide and pesticide treatments just don’t hit the mark? You’re sure you’ve done everything right, but something’s off. Nine times out of ten, the issue isn’t the product itself… it’s the water quality.

This is where Breeze XL comes in. It’s your go-to adjuvant for making sure pesticide applications work like they're supposed to. Whether you’re dealing with turf, ornamentals, or non-cropland areas, Breeze XL needs to be in the tank mix.

Why Breeze XL?

We’ve all been there… everything looks good, but the results just aren’t showing up. The problem? It’s usually water quality. Breeze XL tackles this head-on by conditioning your water and lowering the pH, making sure the pesticides you’re using actually do their job. Hard water can mess with active ingredients like glyphosate, making them less effective, but Breeze XL makes sure that doesn’t happen.

What Makes Breeze XL Stand Out?

  • Lower pH: Breeze XL brings your spray solution’s pH down, keeping your pesticides from breaking down before they even get to work.
  • Water Conditioner: Hard water full of stuff like calcium and magnesium can block herbicides from doing their thing. Breeze XL fixes that.
  • Loaded with AMS: Every gallon has over 2 pounds of Ammonium Sulfate (AMS), which is key to making products like glyphosate work.
  • No More Foam: Tired of stopping mid-job to deal with foamy tank mixes? Breeze XL helps keep that under control.

Why Should You Care About Water Quality?

Here’s the deal. Poor water quality can wreck your pesticide applications.

Hard water is loaded with minerals that love to latch onto the active ingredients in your pesticides via a process called alkaline hydrolysis, which means molecules like calcium can tie up your chemical’s active ingredient making it less effective. Products like glyphosate or 2,4-D amines are especially sensitive to this, and that’s where Breeze XL shines. By conditioning the water and bringing the pH to the right level, you make sure your treatments are spot-on.

Think of Breeze XL as an insurance policy for your tank mix. It helps make sure your pesticides are doing what they’re supposed to do, saving you time and headaches down the road.

The alkaline hydrolysis process affects many of our common weed killers. The most common is glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup or Ranger Pro. But other common active ingredients like glufosinate, diquat, and Garlon salts are also susceptible to reduced effectiveness from alkaline hydrolysis.

How Breeze XL Does Its Thing

Breeze XL works both as an acidifier and a buffer. It can lower the pH of your solution below 5 if necessary, but —the sweet spot for most pesticide applications is around 6.5.

Here’s a little science for you. When the pH is above 7, you risk breaking down the active ingredients in your pesticides before they even hit the target. If your spray mix has a pH between 8 and 9, it can degrade fast, meaning less pest control for your buck. Breeze XL makes sure that doesn’t happen.

Getting Started with Breeze XL

  • Test the pH First: Don’t skip this step. Check your water’s pH, and if it’s too high, Breeze XL will get it where it needs to be.
  • Use a Water Conditioner: Something like Breeze XL with soluble AMS can prevent hard water from ruining your herbicide effectiveness.
  • Don’t Let It Set: Mix and spray. Don’t let your solution sit in the tank overnight. The longer it sets, the more the pesticides break down.

Mixing Made Easy

If you’ve been in this game long enough, you know that tank mixing can make or break your application. Breeze XL takes the guesswork out of it by reducing foam and keeping everything stable. Just follow the WALES method to avoid any issues:

  • Water goes in first
  • Agitate it up
  • Then add your Liquids
  • Follow up with Emulsifiers
  • And finally, toss in your Surfactants

It’s that simple.

The Real Cost of Poor Water Quality

If you mix your pesticides with poor water quality, your customers will have a lot to complain about. You’ll have more callbacks and may consider switching to more costly products. As we’ve mentioned before, the problem isn’t with the pesticide in most cases… it’s the water. Breeze XL reduces those problems, so you’ll save time, money, and a whole lot of back and forth with your clients.

At The End of The Day…

Breeze XL is a product that every pro applicator needs. It takes care of water quality so you don’t have to stress about it, making sure your pesticide applications are effective every single time. Don’t let hard water or high pH levels mess with your work. Add Breeze XL to your tank mix and keep things running smoothly.

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